Monday, August 12, 2019

We Are Ready

          Earthquake is a very destructive natural disaster. It can destroy everything, your house, buildings, even if your lives. Earthquake can be natural or manmade disaster. Some cause of having an earthquake is when there’s a plate moving or a volcanic eruption. It can also be a manmade because of the activities we do. Such as mining, and bombs that thrown in a war. It is a disaster that no one can control. No one knows when or where it would happen. The Philippine Volcanology and Seismology or also known as PHIVOLCS, are one that measures the frequency of the earthquake happened.
           Every year we do this National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill Insight for us to know what we are doing in case of having earthquake. This earthquake drill we learn the duck, cover, and hold. Go to an open area for your safety. And in case of emergency there are emergency hotlines and people that will help you.
           We do this activity for us to know what we are doing when there is an earthquake and of course to secure our life and safeties. Every year there is a month we do this drill always. And this drill makes us ready for every earthquake that is coming. And also being ready for an earthquake that entitled the BIG ONE. Maybe we cannot control and predict what will happen and where and when, but at least we are ready for what will happen to that earthquake.

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